We and our partners at the University of Florida's Scientist in Every Florida School initiative have lined up another exciting semester of marine science oriented live webinars for you!
We have three upcoming events in our spring series -- on Thursday, February 20th at 1:30 PM ET, we will chat with Dr. Richelle Tanner of Chapman University about her fascinating work on nudibranchs. On March 13th we will learn about Florida's American crocodile populations from Michael Lloret of Florida Power & Light. Details on our April live webinar feature will be announced soon. In the meantime, info on upcoming and past Ocean Expert Exchange events are available via our OEE webpage. We hope to 'sea' you this spring!
ANGARI Foundation, Friends of MacArthur Beach State Park, Manatee Lagoon, Palm Beach County Dept. Environmental Resources Management and the Lake Worth Lagoon Initiative invite educators of middle and high school students in Palm Beach County to apply for our free summer workshop!
The 2025 workshop will run July 14-17th and will immerse participants in hands-on STEM education focused on marine research and conservation efforts in Palm Beach County coastal waters. Spaces are open until filled, so learn more and apply today on the workshop webpage!
We are now accepting applications for 2025-26 Coastal Ocean Explorers: Sharks programming for youth ages 12 to 18. This is your opportunity to engage your students in shark research onshore and at sea onboard research vessel ANGARI with our partner scientists from Florida International University!
Visit our COE: Sharks webpage for details and application! Thanks to the generous support of the Palm Beach International Boat Show Gives Back grant program, funding is available to support PBC Title 1 school participation and they are especially encouraged to apply.
On Nov 14th, 2024 we successfully launched our 12th Lagoon Drift citizen science experiment examining the flow of water and marine debris in our area. Since November's deployment, citizen scientists have been busy reporting their orange eco-friendly drift card finds! To date, 52 of the 280 cards deployed have been found and reported. Head to the Lagoon Drift webpage to read the full after-action report!
Many thanks to the citizen scientists and partners who made this experiment a success! Want to get involved in 2025? Email us at lagoondrift@angari.org.
Join Manatee Lagoon's free family-friendly annual celebration! Marking their 9th anniversary, the event will offer opportunities to explore the wonders of manatees, the Lake Worth Lagoon and environmental conservation.
Celebrate the beauty and wildness found throughout the 31,000-acre Natural Areas System in Palm Beach County at this family-friendly free event! Enjoy wildlife presentations, guided hikes and more.
Loggerhead Marinelife Center hosts its 20th annual event. 15,000+ guests are anticipated to attend this free family-friendly event focused on promoting ocean conservation through interactive educational exhibits, marine life and more.
John D. MacArthur Beach State Park's annual outdoor festival is family-friendly and free with park admission. Stop by to learn, play and support local artisans while enjoying all MacBeach has to offer as the only State Park in PBC!
Join Florida Marine Science Educators Association and education professionals from around the state for keynote, interactive and seaside sessions with ocean science and conservation speakers.
Keep America Beautiful unites volunteers from communities large and small across the country in a grassroots spring-cleaning movement. Join in with the nation's largest community improvement program.
Join the National Marine Educators Association's annual gathering of professional edcautors in marine, coastal and aquatic environment to address the theme 'enGULFed in Change: Roux-ted in Resiliency'.
We had a sea-sational fall semester of educational programming both onshore and at sea!
In preparation for our 12th Lagoon Drift experiment, we engaged Independence Middle School's SciQuest Academy, Palm Beach Day Academy, Palm Beach Virtual School, The Benjamin School and Wellington Community High School, educating students about ocean currents and how community members can contribute to citizen science.
We also enjoyed participating in and sharing our programs with the public at invited talks for the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotillas 5-1 & 5-2 monthly meetings, and outreach events like the SDPBC Sustainability Symposium, IRL Science Festival and LagoonFest.
Please join us in welcoming Sophie White, our new Coastal Ocean Explorers Program Coordinator, to the ANGARI team! With her background in marine science and environmental education, Sophie will lead our Coastal Ocean Explorers: Sharks education program, collaborating with our partner scientists from Florida International University to engage youth and educators in hands-on marine science at-sea and onshore.
Head on over to our website to learn more about Sophie and all of the ANGARI Foundation team members.
Join the ANGARI Educator community for VIP access to resources, opportunities and events! If already registered, please ensure your profile is up to date so we can reach you.
Follow us on social media for more ocean education opportunities!
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ANGARI Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit private operating foundation. EIN# 81-1526218 515 N Flagler Drive, Suite 350 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 +1 561-370-7370